Chuck ‘N Ann on Finance - Episode 18
Do the dollars you spend make the world a better or worse place?
After following his work for many years and meeting him in person at the GK Chesterton Conference (click here for that episode), we had the great honor of interviewing Mr. Joseph Pearce on the Salt and Light podcast! In this episode we focus on Mr Pearce’s book “Small is Still Beautiful- Economics as if families mattered” and discuss current economics, both macro and micro, how individuals should treat and use money in both commerce and investing, and the impotance of the fmaily unit itself and what it has to do with society and the economy.
A native of England, Joseph Pearce is Senior Editor at the Augustine Institute, Senior Fellow and Journal Editor at the Cardinal Newman Society, and Tolkien & Lewis Chair in Literary Studies at Holy Apostles College & Seminary. He is editor of the St. Austin Review(, an international review of Catholic culture, series editor of the Ignatius Critical Editions (, executive director of Catholic Courses (, and senior contributor at the Imaginative Conservative.
The internationally acclaimed author of many books, which include bestsellers such as The Quest for Shakespeare, Tolkien: Man and Myth, The Unmasking of Oscar Wilde, C. S. Lewis and The Catholic Church, Literary Converts, Wisdom and Innocence: A Life of G.K. Chesterton, Solzhenitsyn: A Soul in Exile and Old Thunder: A Life of Hilaire Belloc, Joseph Pearce is a world-recognized biographer of modern Christian literary figures. His books have been published and translated into Spanish, Portuguese, French, Dutch, Italian, Korean, Mandarin, Croatian and Polish.
Pearce has hosted two 13-part television series about Shakespeare on EWTN, and has also written and presented documentaries on EWTN on the Catholicism of The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit. He has participated and lectured at a wide variety of international and literary events at major colleges and universities in the U.S., Canada, Britain, Europe, Africa and South America.
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